Psychometric Assessment

Manage talent in your organisation

Psychometric Assessment and Profiling

Psychometric assessment is a conventional, proven and analytical procedure for measuring people’s capabilities, behavioural styles, personality characteristics and cognitive abilities. It helps in taking informed decisions in talent recruitment, selection, development, succession planning, role-based profiling, training and development.

These assessments determine individual temperament, and also to what extent they might need to manage, moderate or develop these natural temperaments to be more effective. It is critical that the assessment criteria are palpable factors in performance and facilitate personal and professional growth.

Psychometric profiling can help to predict future performance, as well as speed of success, tenure in specific roles and customer satisfaction.

At Brand Partners, we assist you in assessing prospective candidates and employees in a consistent and insightful way at various stages of the employee life cycle, whether it be selection, promotion or the development process.

We design accurate and customised psychometric assessments based on your needs. We offer a basket of Psychometric assessments:

  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator/MBTI
  • FIRO-B
  • Big 5
  • 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire/16 PF
  • DiSC
  • Professional Values
  • HR Chally Talent Analysis
  • Personality and Preferences Inventory/PAPI
  • Mayers Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test/MSCEIT
  • Team Performance and Productivity (Aperian Global Team Productivity)
  • Belbin Team Roles
  • Diversity and Inclusivity (Globesmart Cultural Tool)

Learning and Development Solutions

In today’s VUCA world, it is crucial to be able to adapt to the fast-changing environment. How we learn and how fast we learn, have become the new parameters in our evaluation as employees.

Creating a learning culture in the organisation and encouraging learning agility is an integral part in the success of enterprises. Companies need to offer holistic development of employees, including customised learning and training solutions. This, in turn, helps in employee engagement and retention.

Behavioural competency-based training is one such tool that can be used to change behaviour in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness at the workplace. This experiential training engages employees and reflects a delta change in their approach towards people and tasks, thus ensuring better performance and improved organisational culture.

Brand Partners provides bespoke Learning and Development solutions with a team of highly experienced professionals as well as unique and targeted offerings. We support you in building a strong culture of learning in your company and improving your employees’ behavioural competencies for better outcomes.

Our specialisation and expertise lies in the design and delivery of the following programmes:

  • Maximizing Learning Agility in the organization
  • Honing a Growth Mindset
  • Inculcating a strong Learning Orientation
  • Behavioural-Competency based programmes
    • Emotional Intelligence,
    • Problem Solving,
    • Decision Making,
    • Creative Thinking,
    • Interpersonal Effectiveness,
    • Personal Productivity and Effectiveness,
    • Stress Management